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OK - KS - MO
Welcome Co-Workers
May 2022 NEWS
May 25, 2022 - Guy talked about documenting everything. If it is not documented, it didnt happen. This includes conversations, turning something on or off....etc. Pay attention to detail. Put everything back into the operation position and confirm. We are the experts. Take pictures of pool equipment before you start testing if you need to so you can make sure it is put back like the customer had it when you arrived. Truck maintenance and Spare tires.... Every truck needs a spare tire in it.... if yours doesnt, get one in there. If your lights come on to check your fluids, do so. Drill holes, confirm locates. Be prepared for ordinary circumstances by keeping parts on your truck.
Jo asked that technicians not call or text Stacy about work stuff when she is off the clock. It is not fair to her to be getting work calls if she is not on-call. Text Jo or call her. Cynthia's birthday is Thursday. Zoe's 5 year anniversary is Monday, Memorial Day, we are off. Chris D will be on vacation Wednesday thru Monday. Construction is still going on. Jo reminded everyone that you must work your scheduled day before and after a holiday or you dont get paid for the holiday.
May 18, 2022 - This will be the last meeting in the tech room for a while. Construction will start tomorrow.
Jo announced today is Greggs Birthday. Colby's 3 year anniversary is Friday. Pool party sign up is in Angela's office window. It is June 17.
May 10, 2022 - Guy reminded everyone we are busy, busy.
Angela advised that if anyone using the time clock, if you miss a punch, let her know through a text or stop by her office. Jo and Cynthia is backup, so if Angela is not here, contact one of them.
Angela will be on vacation May 13 - 20th. Brock Rutter's last day is Friday.
Jo reminded everyone that tonight was the Bowling Party at Sahoma Lanes from 6p-8p. Pool Party is June 17 at Vern's house. Starts between 2-2:30.
May 4, 2022 - Guy said for everyone to make sure their prontos have sent when they hit 'submit'. If they close out too soon or dont have a good signal, it will sit there and wont send until the ap is opened back up and a signal pushes the report to the office. Some regions are a little slow right now but it is gonna start up after the rainy days are prepared.
Chris reported that we ended the month of April with 107%; Oklahoma was at 105%, St Louis was lower than usual and Kansas City increased 48% over last April. Way to go Tollie and Ben !
Angela welcomed Kyle, the Jenks office's new helper. She announced that Cinco de Mayo is Thursday, Guy's Birthday is Saturday and Mother's Day is Sunday. Jo will be on vacation Friday and Monday. We will be at the Tulsa Day Center on May 25th for Feed the Homeless, Angela will put a sign up sheet on her window. Angela shared that Friday, May 13 is co-worker Brock Rutter's last day with American Leak. He will be going to work with his brother. He will be missed.
Safety Video was played. Jo reminded everyone of the Bowling Party this evening at 6pm. Jo read Atta-Boys from emails sent in for co-workers Brock, Colby and Jimmy.
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